Sunday, July 22, 2012

New Job and summer time peach preserves.

So this month has been a hectic one at that. I started my new job and the first week I had to go to another shop because it was very stressful and not a place for me.
I'm in the process of waiting on training to start and just praying that each day does not suck.
My daughter had a birthday and we decided to just make a dinner date of it at Rain Forest Cafe instead of wasting money on a big party since most of her friends go out of town during the summer.
The summer weather in my neck of the woods(San Antonio,TX) has been triple digit days and 80 degree nights. Like they say it's not the heat that will kill you it's the humidity. So I'm looking forward to autumn when the time comes. I have made two new animal friends that have come into my life one a famale rat terrier with a special leg we are getting fixed and the other a black male kitten named Dexter.
We spayed Lana last month and when the time comes we will take in Dexter to have his Ornaments removed. So far things have been hard at times but I have been keeping my head up and moving on.
The wonderful things I like about Summers is going to Corpus Christi where my Aunt lives and the peach tree in our front yard had bloomed and peached were in the process of dropping in.

As you can see there is a 2 X 4 holding up one of the branches because the tree had bloomed a higher amout of peaches year because of the non-stop rain the month before.

This resulting in pruning the tree almost each week and bringing in one large bowl of peaches.
The biggest challenge was what to do with the box full of peaches I had sitting in my kitchen. I thought about making pie but I had remember a few years back my Mother had made a few pies and freezed the rest of the peaches taking up lots of space in the freezer. This resulted in freezer burn and wasting them in the end. I finally got the idea to preserve them and went all out in the process.

The Kerr company makes a wonderful starter kit that comes with all the odd hard to find tools included like the jar funnel,large tongs and magnetic lid lifters.
I had picked this up along with a box of mason jars,a package of lemons,two boxes of cirto and sugar.
Once I came home I was a preserve factory I had went through every youtube video out there on how to cook and bottle the jars.
Keep in mind you will be using almost every large pot in your kitchen and being very careful not to burn yourself. Think of  it as surgery in the kitchen with mason jars.
In the long run from what we got from the tree in all I had made six large jars and two small jars of peach preserves some with a small amount of blueberries and the others just plain peaches.
So far I plan to give a few away to my family and friends and keep a few for winter.

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